Selling your home is one of the most challenging tasks everyone faces at some time in their life. KNOWING how to go about it makes everything a little easier and less stressful. Whether you've got children, pets or even both, means keeping everything tidy just in case a potential buyer wants to take a look inside at short notice.
First impressions do matter! Whenever I've looked around a show house, the first impression I have is how organised everything is... no clutter!! Bet you felt the same way too. You can easily achieve this in your own home by having a good sort through of anything you'll be throwing away or donating when your house is sold. Now is the perfect time to put personal items away. No potential buyer will purchase any property because they "like the souvenir you have on show of your latest trip to Amsterdam!" If you try to minimalise any personal effects, this will create the feeling of more space.
Try to go through every room and look from a buyer's perspective.
If you need any advice, please send me an email: sales@homes4u.es