Buying a home on the Costa Blanca? You’ll hear local professionals jabbering away in Spanish. Unless you “habla Español” you’ll not have a clue what they’re talking about!
Here’s a quick translation of the 7 most important words you’ll hear during the buying process:
1. ESCRITURA: (“Ess-kree-tour-a”) Title Deeds
2. NOTARIO: (“No-ta-reo”) Notary; A Public Official Authorised By The Government That Prepare The Title Deeds.
3. REGISTRO DE LA PROPIEDAD: (“Reh-hist-row Day La Prop-e-eh-dad”) Land Registry
4. NOTA SIMPLE: (“Not-ah Sim-play”) Land Registry Search
5. ABOGADO: (“A-bow-ga-doe”) Lawyer
6. HIPOTECA: (“Ippo-tech-a”) Mortgage
7. N.I.E. (Numero Identificacion Extranjero): (Pronounced “New-meh-row E-dent-if-e-kath-eon Ex-tran-hay-row”) Foreign Tax Identification Number; Most times you’ll hear the locals say “Knee-eh” for short.
With practice, you’ll be able to say them yourself!
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