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Buying in Spain?  5 Tips For A Smooth Completion Day!

There’s no difference between how much or how little you’re spending to buy your home in Spain, the completion day will be the same for everyone, whether you’re Antonio Banderas, or Mr. & Mrs. Joe Soap.

When you’re ready to complete your purchase, everyone will be anxious and excited about the day ahead, so here are 5 tips to make sure your completion day goes smoothly:

1.Dress for the occasion.  This means, don’t turn up in beachwear!  You wouldn’t visit a Lawyer in your own country wearing skimpy shorts, bare chest and in flip flops, so don’t do it here either.  You’re not expected to be wearing a shirt and tie, but smart casual will show the Notary, (these professional people authorize and sign the Title Deeds), the respect he or she deserves, and I can assure you, the respect will be mutual.

2.Have your payments ready.  You will have already been instructed how payment is to be made, so if you need to collect any Bankers Drafts from your bank, be there early.

3.Be prompt.  Wherever you’ve been instructed to be, make sure you’re there in plenty of time.  Allow yourself time to park the car.  This time of year, there’s more traffic around, which means you may need to find a parking space a little further away than you’d like.

4.I.D.’s.  Make sure you take your passport for identification, and residence paper (if applicable) or N.I.E. certificate.

5.Be patient.  The Notary’s office can be very busy, and even if you arrive on time, you can experience what seems like an exaggerated wait time.  Don’t get stressed about it.  That will achieve nothing, and it definitely won’t speed up the process.  Take a breather, and go with the flow.  The phrase “mañana” doesn’t exist for nothing!  

Once you’ve signed your Title Deeds (Escritura) and handed over your payment, you’ll receive the keys to your new home in Spain.  

And now all that’s left to do is, start creating many happy memories!

Buying?  Enjoy the journey!


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