Being in isolation inside a property for so long, has left many people either loving or hating their current home. Not surprising at all really. After staring at four walls for over 40+ days, even the most beautiful of homes have their faults.
As millions of people have been staying safe in their own homes, they’re now realizing what works in their property for their family’s needs, and what doesn’t.
Most people are realizing they need outside space. Either a garden or larger balcony and if they don’t have that, then a roof solarium. Being able to step outside and take in fresh air has been a luxury for some, compared to others that have been cooped up inside for weeks on end.
Positive comments have been on updated kitchens, as meals were having to be prepared at home. Properties with plenty of natural light has been a welcomed relief to people with hobbies of arts and crafts.
Negative comments have been the lack of space in their current home, outdated kitchens and not enough outside space.
Maybe it’s a way of the future, but the question to ask yourself when you look at your future home is, “could I see myself quarantined here?”
If you’re struggling in your own home, either because of the lack of space, or for financial reasons, but aren’t sure what the process is for selling a property in Spain, I will be holding an online webinar* presentation on Friday 8th May, 2020 at 12 noon. A “Sellers Guide Checklist!” Everything you need to know about selling a property in the Costa Blanca. Register at to save your seat! There is a limit of attendees, so early registration is recommended.
*A webinar is a presentation held over the internet, that you can watch from your computer in the comfort and safety of your own home. You do not need to have your webcam on, as I will be presenting in “watch only” mode.