Please enjoy an excerpt from our book, “Moving Forward - 25 Essential Rules For Buying and Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.”
Many homeowners feel as if all Real Estate professionals are alike, and it doesn’t matter which one you choose because they all say and do the same things. They all show houses. But that’s like saying all heart surgeons or hairdressers are alike.
The Real Estate professional you choose to represent your home sale and negotiate the purchase of another, will absolutely make or break the deal.
The success of a home sale transaction comes down to sales skill and business acumen. Is the agent you choose one who will be passive or proactive? Is this individual a true Real Estate professional, or just someone selling houses part-time?

Recognizing trends, seeing pluses or minuses in the subject property versus the competition, and seeing how to alter the home’s condition or price point will either pinch or profit the seller’s bottom line.
Any agent can stick a sign in your garden, take pictures and write and negotiate contracts. But so much more than mundane activities go into a successful and profitable sale.
A proactive agent understands product positioning and will accentuate every positive about the home that will squeeze every Euro of value out of the sale.
A proactive agent will be empathetic to your needs but strong enough to stay the course to get the mission accomplished. The best professionals succeed by telling you the truth about what needs to be done to move the sale along successfully instead of only telling you what you want to hear. A strong success record equals a strong agent.
Selling? Enjoy the journey!