If you need the money to fund your next purchase, then clearly you have no choice but to sell. But what if you feel like you’re not quite ready to let it go?
Taking on a landlord role does come with responsibilities. Will you take charge of managing the property, or will you employ a company to do this for you? Would you want to pursue long term or short term rentals? Based on licensing laws, is your property even in a short term rental area?
Above everything else, has your property appreciated in value? Cashing out now, is considered an opportunity cost. Weigh up if you could make more money investing elsewhere.
Selling is always the best option if you’re undecided whether to keep your home or let it go for good.
Selling in the Ciudad Quesada or surrounding urbanisations? We have buyers! Contact me today on 966 718 392.
Ready to buy? Download “The ultimate property buying guide for 2023”: www.BuyMyHomeInSpain.com