Heard the phrase “Bueno, Bonito y Barato”? Translated, it means “Good, Pretty & Cheap!”
When looking for your home, I’m sure you’d like to think you’d find the perfect property with these three B’s! But remember, you may just have to compromise to get what you ultimately really want.
Is it Bueno? If you can handle a “fixer upper,” then be open minded to something that may need a little T.L.C. You may be able to negotiate the price down to compensate any work needed.
Is it Bonito? Just because the outside may not have curb appeal, doesn’t mean the inside isn’t everything you want! Take the time and look inside, it may be exactly what your family needs.
Is it Barato? If a property is in immaculate condition, be prepared to pay a little more. If it’s in need of renovating, the price should reflect this.
Ready to buy? Download “The ultimate property buying guide for 2023”: www.BuyMyHomeInSpain.com